Stick around and watch
the magic as Acorn pulls a rabbit out of
his hat (That
is if the poor overworked bunny doesn't
escape first)

A magician's animated magic wand
magically controlling a star at it's tip

Animations are just better
with music |
It's Magic

A little morphing magic
showing the choices Americans had for
their 2012 Presidential Elections, Would
it be Barack Obama or Mitt Romney

Animated playing card spinning
and magically changing from Queen of Hearts to
Ace of Clubs and back

Acorn working a little morphing
magic on his little fishies

Acorn's attempt at time
I'm not sure where he found it
but here's Acorn playing the world's smallest
violin |

Animated spinning wrought
iron spiral staircase

Door opening and closing
(magically) on a red London phone booth

Spinning animation view of the
new iPhone 5 |

Animated microphone wit "Please Leave A Comment"
written on it, great for your blog

Spinning cell phone animation
with the message "Please Ring Me" on the screen

Animated 3D "e-mail"
symbol with raising letters |

Walking mail box for email.
Familiar site in the UK except
most of the post boxes there don't walk.

Thoughtful animation for MOM,
after all everybody's got one

Old Dr. Who logo animation

Spinning Tardis animation

Moving animation of K9
from Dr. Who |

Animated Dalek from Dr. Who
moving around

Animated version of
Cyberman walking toward you from Dr.Who

Newer Dr, Who
animated logo