Jay Leno and two kids running
from a great big huge monster giant hungry
hornet with big teeth and mad cow eyes running
after them for lunch
Elvis Weathercock

Animations are just better
with music |
Go Jay Go !
! !
Lorde - Royals
You can call me Queen Bee

One nasty stinging hornet
you don't want to mess with wiggling
it's body

Animated hornet moving
it's wings and mandibles

A cartoon bee in a mess
cause it's stinger got stuck in some
Little yellow jacket
taking aim getting ready to attack and
sting it's victim
Funny mosquito!

Honey bee deposits it's
pollen in the hive then heads out to
gather more

Animated honey bees
flying into and out of the hive with
their pollen to make honey

Animated hornet flying
back to it's nest

Small animated wasp
hovering getting ready to land
Fastest Flight of the
Bumblebee Sara Sant'Ambrogio
Swarm of hungry
mosquitoes looking for blood to feed
their hungry little bellies

Lumbering bumble bee with
big bright eyes and a big smile flying
Honey bee
flying back to it's hive with it's leg
pouches full of

Cartoon wasp flying along
gets a little too close to a frog (off
screen) and the frog snatches it out of
the air for lunch with it's tongue

Little bee flying around a flower might
land on it and collect pollen