Clip art banner for
dental hygiene showing a tooth holding a toothbrush with toothpaste and a dental
floss dispenser

Animations are just better
with music |
Sara Smile

Clip art animation of tooth flossing itself with dental floss

moving cartoon image of a
tooth holding a tooth brush

Animated clip art of a tooth jumping rope with dental floss

Cartoon image of a tooth using a dentist's mirror to check itself
Avril Lavigne - Smile

Illustration of a
dental hygienist tool to remove plaque and scale from the surfaces of the teeth

Cartoon image of a sore green tooth with little spark symbols
implying a toothache |

Moving clip art Illustration showing a side to side brushing
motion to prevent plaque buildup at the gum line

Moving animated
cartoon character brushing his teeth

Little red line
drawing of dancing tooth icon |

Animated illustration
of a toothbrush scrubbing a tooth

Moving wind up novelty chattering
teeth toy

Teeth chattering wind up novelty toy animation icon |

Chattering false teeth in a
little blue bubble

Walking wind up chattering teeth

Animated cartoon wind up walking
chattering teeth toy with eyes

Clip art animation of false teeth
toy chattering

Probably about the last patient a
dentist would want to see walk through the doors
of his office, animated gif of a very scary

Smiley face emoticon brushing her

Moving animated mouth opens to
bear teeth

Novelty moving chattering false
teeth toy

Animated smiley face emoticon
brushing his teeth

Little smiley face emoticon
breaks a huge smile showing his teeth

Mouth opens, smiles and shows

Line drawing of little face with
big smile and huge teeth