Moving picture of some sort of weird mechanical flying
contraption puttering along in the sky

Animations are just better
with music |
Magnetic Fields

Rotating mechanical spin
speed governing device

Spinning animated mechanical what you
may call it thing-a-ma-jig under glass

Animated money making machine
keeps printing cash

Animated money taking machine
keeps charging cash

Animated electric fan blowing at

Animated electric fan with
blades moving around

Animated electric fan with
directional tassels |

Little electric fan moving

Animated old fashioned Dutch
windmill spinning

I'm a Rock machine

Animated navigation compass dial

Animated pressure pot and gauge
rises ready to blow

Animated illustration of Wankel
Rotary Engine operation

Animated forklift lifting pallet

Animated gauge needle rises to
top then drops to zero

Animation of cam shaft opening

Clip art animation of a spinning auger encased in a pipe

Animated brake press bending
metal plate

Animated horseshoe magnet

Animated electric toaster

Illustrated electric toaster

Animated moving gyroscope

Animated sewing machine picture
Illustrated movie film projector
Animated movie film camera illustration

Woman doing her laundry

Printing press making copies

Faraday electromagnetic
animation illustration

Clip art animation of a manual
horizontal toggle clamp commonly used
as a work piece holder in manufacturing and metalwork