Music |

Grandma is here . . . somebody wanna
go let her in before she goes around back and climbs in through the bathroom
window again . . . .
Silly little animation by
Dunken K Bliths

Moving picture of self cleaning
wallpaper system after finishing a self wash
cycle and now going into the final
spin air dry
Animated gifs allow the creator to explore many
different interesting special effects and impossible feats with movement to
grab the viewer's attention
Impossible picture of man in a suit and hat reaching into another animated
picture to grab a glass of wine and roll from that picture
and Home
Gif Loops

Animated picture of little cottage with streetlight

Moving home page icon
animated picture of house with
blinking eyes

Moving animated picture of little white house on blue spinning sphere gif icon

Picture of globe changing to home icon

Moving picture of little flashing home web page icon

Animated picture of purple house flipping over gif icon image